Crowning the gorgeousness in her way, The astonishing chronicle of: Erim Kaur

Crowning the Gorgeousness in her way  
The Astonishing Chronicle of 
Erim Kaur

Erim Kaur

Women are asserting their influence on almost every sphere including businesses, digital media, and politics. They are leading the professional world right from the forefront worldwide and writing their destinies. With their femininity, they are ruling the masculine world with grace and resentment. Numerous Fashion and Beauty Influencers inspire young girls and women to take daring steps and reach the world’s top. They are uplifting their morals and telling them to achieve their dreams unapologetically. With their aspiring personalities, they are responsible for challenging the norms and shaping the world for a distinct and inclusive future to make this fast-changing world a better place for women. 

Erim Kaur stands out as eminent influencers leveraging their platform to inspire millions of women all across the globe. She is an entrepreneur, empowering women to take risks, turn their dreams into tangible realities, and live out their lives to the fullest. She is bold, innovative, and opinionated. She knows the value of her stance, and using her platform to educate and advocate individuality. She is inspiring women to be themselves and never turn back because of any troll or insecurity. Team MAGNAV is delighted to be in a lovely discussion with Erim.

While shedding light on her professional journey, Erim shared her early life experiences. She said, “I began in university working in night clubs and I was working in a variety of different roles from bottle service to VIP manager to being on the door helping with guest lists. I saved up my tips and put this towards my business which I launched when I was 23 years old. We sold our initial 250 stocks and then doubled it and sold it in less than four hours at which point my dad came on board to streamline all of our processes and the business started to take off and to this date we’ve sold over Ninety-five thousand plus, products across eight SKUs worldwide.”

When we asked her about How she was able to start a business is such a young age. She said, “The greatest thing I learned was that it’s important to hire the right people. The underlying thing that I’ve realized who align with the mission and vision of the business from a wider perspective tend to have much better relationships with them and they tend to have a much better relationship with their work and this is something I have not integrated with for work and that’s helped me create a team with low turnover – infect our most recent addition has been a year ago!”

Erim believes that for a woman influencer in Developing regions, leading as a role model to encourage individuals is important, she said, “Leading as a role model and representation is important. I always think that. I hope that through my platform on social media, any girls who look at me from a South Asian background might be able to hopefully look up to the fact that if Erim made it as an ambassador for Pandora and if she’s made it in XYZ magazine, potentially they can do it too. Both my leading by example and being one of the first to open certain doors I have would mean that so many other girls can run through doors after me.”

MAGNAV asked her what appeals to her about cities like London or Dubai serving as a cosmopolitan center for all communities, “I think London and Dubai are very different. London has so much history and so much diversity with richness in culture and heritage. Dubai is a new, thriving city and as a businesswoman, it’s a great place for me to be because there are so many people who have recently moved there and are on their entrepreneurial journeys and I definitely can sense there’s more opportunities for conversation and networking.”

Sharing the prospects of her distinctive fashion sense, Erim said, “My sense of style changes day to day. I almost like to say that I’m cosplaying whatever activity I’ll be doing that day. For example, I’ll be cosplaying as a girl who’s going to go sit in a cafe and work or I could dress up as someone who would go to central London for a brand or dress up as someone who’s going on a date night, etc. I like to have fun with my wardrobe and generally stick to the core theme of neutrals and I love layering – it’s a great way to elevate your outfit. But above all, I like to be comfortable and work with my proportions which is something I’ve learned to do as I’ve gotten older.”

Erim Kaur

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There is a notion about Influencers’ lives that ‘Everything is perfect in their lives’ which tends people to have unrealistic life expectations. But Erim shares a different approach to it. She says, “I try to be as raw and honest on my social media pages as much as I can and they only get to see a small window into my day. I do encourage people who consume content to remember that you only see a portion of someone’s day, and you don’t see all of it. You know a lot of the time, hardships we all face daily can be personal and those types of things aren’t usually shared online. We are all human and we’re all facing our tests and challenges on this earth!”

Answering a question about how important hair is for a woman’s personality, does gorgeous hair add to their beauty and confidence, as well as an attraction for their partners, she said, “It depends on the woman herself. I try my best not to view beauty through the male gaze and whether the partner is going to prefer a particular look. Some women feel confident with no hair and if they feel beautiful with no hair, or long or short hair, a Mohawk, dyed pink hair whatever it might be. That is when a woman is at her most beautiful when she perceives herself as such.”

Erim is a goal-oriented entrepreneur. She understands the importance of self-evaluation, viewing it as vital both for her business endeavors and personal evolution. She says, “My current goal is to grow my business which is why I’m super proud to be part of the Goldman Sachs X Oxford University Program this year. In addition to that I believe in self-work and deepening the relationship with yourself and getting to know yourself which is a huge priority to me in terms of my spare time and hopefully deepening my relationship with my followers as time goes on and as my preferences and hobbies change. I love to see my audience evolve with me.”

Further discussing her career goals, she said, “My current goals are to develop my knowledge in business in a more practical sense which I hope to achieve through the Goldman Sachs program. I’m also looking to revamp the ByErim website to ensure all the links are working, our SEO is on point and we have all of the website features to help the conversion. On a personal level, I am looking forward to building more long-term partnerships with some of the brands I currently work with for instance Debenhams, Pandora, and Hello Fresh!”

Erim Kaur

In the discourse about her lifestyle as a businesswoman, she said, “As an entrepreneur, I would say I’m very lucky to be able to set my schedule. I am not someone who performs well in the morning and I know this about myself I am very much a night owl and that’s when my best ideas come to life. I’m very lucky in the sense that I can choose to backload my day and start the day easy.”

Erim further told us about her personal life and parents. She said, “Both of my parents were born in London and sadly my mum passed away when I was eight but I’ve continued to live in London. And now between London and Dubai as an adult. I’m super super in love with the city of London and know it like the back of the land and very appreciative to have been born in such a driven and metropolitan city, especially as the people I grew up with and went with primary and secondary school with that I’m still able to be in touch with and visit often which I think is a key component for friendships!”

Contrary to common perception, Erim challenges the notion that all Digital influencers must exhibit extroverted personalities, she says, “A lot of people don’t realize this about me but I’m a super private person. This means that whilst I do share a lot of my life online, I always take care to show exactly where I am, the people I’m with, or even their faces to a degree. This has influenced the way I am with friends and family meaning that I’m able to protect those that I love and this is a key defining factor of my character.”

 By: Bisma Ijaz